Malin Martial Arts & Fitness


Monday 1700

Wednesday 1700

Saturday 0900

Tuesday 2030

Wednesday 1900

Thursday 2030

Saturday 1000

Monday 2000-2130(gi)

Tuesday 1800-1930 (no-gi) all levels (beginners welcome)

Thursday 1800-1930 NoGi

Thai Kick Boxing for Beginners to fighters in Bordon, Liphook, Petersfield, Alton, Haslemere, Farnham

Monday 1800-1900 (beginners)

1900-2000 (intermediate)

Tuesday 1930-2030

Wednesday 1800 (beginners)

Thursday 1930-2030

Friday 1900-2030

Saturday 1200-1300

About the Gym

Team Kaobon is World Renowned as a Centre of Excellence for Martial Arts and Combat Sports. Created by Chief Instructor, Colin Heron in Liverpool over 20 years ago. Our Hampshire Branch offers the same same high-level coaching in multiple disciplines: Muaythai (Thai Kickboxing), BJJ (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu) and Boxing. We are a community, a family, a team. Team Kaobon.

Today, I will do what others won’t so tomorrow I can do what others can’t.